Fox Feeds produce a variety of Forages and Fibre based feeds aimed predominantly at the Equine Market. Established in 1982, initially it was the HorseHage and Mollichaff Ranges that were manufactured here but over recent years the product range has increased to include contract manufacture for a variety of well known Equine Feed Brands. We own much of the land where our grass, alfalfa, Sainfoin and straw is grown which gives us far greater control over our production process.
Harvesting from field to feed
All our crops are harvested by our own staff to ensure we can maintain the highest quality control standards with both our chaff plant being fully UFAS NOPS accredited and HorseHage FEMAS NOPS. All products are given batch numbers making them fully identifiable back to the day and field of manufacture

FOX FEEDS LTD Expansion Project
Part funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development:
Europe investing in rural areas